Night - Textile Art Wall Pocket (1st Piece)
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So here we are in another year and it's already the 6th! 2013 was a good year, so there wasn't anything in particular I felt like leaving behind. But it's still feels good to have a new year.
I'm not into "resolutions" because experience shows it only takes me days to completely forget about them. But this year I'm going to write down what I'd like to accomplish in 2014. It will be good to look back later and see how it is going and how my mood has changed.
Here are the things I want to sew/do in 2014:
Make Quilt Binding
I started some more quilt binding/fabric tape and remembered how much I enjoy making this stuff! The process appeals to me--even with the iron burns. The other day I burned myself with the iron and then proceeded to burn myself 5x worse taking something out of the oven. It gave me a bit of perspective about the iron burns and made me remember why I'm not much of a cook.
Do you like making binding? I'm not sure if it's one of those things people aren't super fond of having to make, if they don't mind and feel pretty neutral about it, or if they enjoy the process of making it.
Dress + Skirt & a Shirt/Some Sort of Top
It would be good to make a few clothing pieces. Experience also shows I can be really slow getting to these, so I'll keep my expectations low.
Write More Patterns (Of Course)
There will be more patterns. There may even be some big pattern surprises.
Grocery Bags
It just doesn't seem to get old making these bags. Some things I feel done after making a handful of times, but I've made so many of these and plan to keep making more. Two more are already cut out and ready to sew.
Art Pieces
Over the last few years I've made a few textile art pieces, but haven't posted pictures of many of them online. I guess I didn't feel "ready" to share them yet and I was still working out the details--how to hang them, how to sew them, how to sign them. But this year I'll be sharing them and posting them for sale in the new textile art section of my etsy shop.
They will mostly be small wall hangings and I'm pretty sure they are all going to have a secret pocket where little things can be hidden away--notes, pictures, money.
These give me the chance to freestyle sew and use some of the fabrics, beads, and other sewing bits that don't get used much in my accessory sewing.
The piece at the top of this post is the 1st in an open series I'm calling Night--not very creative, but it works. Maybe I'll get better at naming them with some practice. :0]
This is--of course--inspired by the night time. I think we are all a little enchanted by the moon and stars. There is also an Andrew Bird song I love (one of many) called "Night Sky" that I find very touching and imaginative. Here are some of the lyrics to this lovely song and you can listen to a snippet of it on amazon here:
Sound is a wave, like a wave on the ocean
Moon plays the ocean like a violin
Pushing and pulling from shore to shore
Biggest melody you never heard before
If I were the night sky
Here’s my lullaby
Lullaby to leave by
If I were the night
Ok, that seems like a pretty long list! Good thing there is almost a whole year left to sew...