I went too far taking apart my sewing machine while cleaning it, and now I need to take it to the repair shop. Where I went wrong was removing the tiny parts for the automatic thread cutter. There was a big dust bunny under the mechanism and I just couldn't get it out without removing the parts. It was a struggle getting them back in place, and I must not have done it exactly right.
While my favorite machine is out of commission, I'm going to try to get a few hand sewing projects completed. The materials to embroider moss have been sitting on my desk for a week now, so that seemed like a good place to start. So today I made another pillow moss pincushion:
I've been using the first one and I love how it looks on my sewing table. It sits so nicely next to my machine, and it is also really easy to just grab and take with me to the cutting table.
Here it is with a mushroom pin:
These are spun cotton mushrooms where I've cut off the wire and glued a pin to the bottom. They are great for the fake moss because I can move them around easily.