Did you know there are a number of new and restocked notions in the sewing notions section of my etsy shop?
Since getting to the store is not possible/practical/recommended these days, many of these are selling pretty quickly. Which is both lovely (thank you, I appreciate your business!) and also makes it challenging to keep up with tracking inventory in both my etsy shop and my website, so for now most are only on etsy.
There are a few different colors of thread. More off-white Gutermann thread is also coming later in the week. A number of different Schmetz chrome machine needles are also available. I've only started using these chrome needles myself and the Microtex ones are amazingly sharp.
This is the second style of awl I'm carrying now. This tapered one is awesome for opening packages! At least that's mostly what I've been using mine for so far. Surely I'll find other ways to use it eventually.