These bags have been popular, so I'm offering a few kits to make one yourself!
The kit comes with most of what you need. You'll need to supplement with some fabric from your collection, because I don't have enough of all the fabrics shown. This photo shows exactly what's included:

It looks like it should be about 3/4s of what you need. My suggestion would be to add a black and white polka dot.
The kit comes with the ticking body and handle pieces all cut out and ready to go. There are also two muslin handle pieces to help even out the weight of the bag body and handles. The finished bag is super sturdy and heavier than one made from quilting cotton only.
The muslin pieces are 1" larger than the medium bag size dimensions. Read this post that explains why. Basically you make it bigger as a hedge and then trace the bag outline, bast inside the outline, and then cut out the pieces.
You will need the pattern. It's not included, because I think most of you already have a copy (thank you...)!