Awl - Don't let this scare you, because awls are very, very useful sewing tools, but Thomas Braille lost his sight due to an awl accident. I wasn't sure I wanted to know the gory details, but I looked anyway. The good news is he eventually used an awl to create the Braille system.

Iron Off - When I share pics of the gunk that comes off my iron on IG--which I like to share because it's amazing how disgustingly dirty the iron gets!--it's surprising how many people don't realize they need to clean their iron, or that iron cleaner exists. You don't know, until you know.
Anyway, you need Iron Off, or some sort of iron cleaner, if you are going to sew. I've tried cleaning it without iron cleaner (because I was out of it) and it's horrible and doesn't work. Get some iron cleaner...

Scrap Bags - A couple new scraps bags are available in my etsy shop (here and here and here).