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This turned out fantastic! I used Prairie Cloth to make this clutch and it turned out so nice.
So this is the High Tea Clutch reduced to 85%.
For the first two I didn't add a bow, so I wanted to try the bow out. Since the bow is pretty dramatic, I wanted to use a solid fabric for the bag.
Wool was my first choice, so I brought out all my wools. There aren't that many, so it was easy to take a quick look. But they just weren't speaking to me.
I try to pay attention to my sewing intuition. If it feels wrong, or just not quite right, I try not to do it. When I ignore my sewing intuition things just tend to not go as well.
So back into the stash I went. Further rummaging turned up this red Prairie Cloth from Moda. This one called to me that it was "the one".
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This was my first time sewing something with Prairie Cloth and now I want to use it again ASAP. It has the perfect amount of texture to make a solid fabric bag interesting.
You can read a little more about Prairie Cloth fabric on flickr. Follow the links below the pictures.