Last chance to enter...
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The Fridays just keep coming. Let me go back in time for just a moment with a couple updates and reminders...
The goal setting giveaway entries close tomorrow morning around 10:00 AM PST. Did you finish something during the week of 3/20/12 - 3/26/12? Leave a comment on this post letting everyone know what you accomplished during that week.
If you haven't already set a goal for this week, there is still time to let us know what you plan to finish. Visit this post and tell us what you are going to get done by 4/2/12.
The update to the Grocery Bag pattern is almost ready. The only change to the pattern is there will be 3 sizes and new photos.
The mini version from this post will be included in the new pattern. That blog post will be updated to point to the pattern. So if you want the pattern piece and instructions currently available on that post, save them right now.
The loop closure like this one is NOT going to be included at this time. If/when I find the correct pattern piece for the loop I will digitize it and post it here. Some people have expressed interest in it and I'm keeping it in mind. But I'm not the most organized person, often I'm stretched to the very edge of what I physically/mentally get done, and usually have 3-5+ versions of each pattern piece and it can be a challenge figuring out which piece is the "right" one!
If you already have the pattern, there will be an opportunity to get the newer version for a nominal charge. You will need to provide proof of purchase. When the updated version is ready, I'll let you know how to provide proof of purchase.
Lastly, posts by email will now be arriving in what is the evening for many of you. The service that delivers them only sends them once a day, and I have changed the scheduled delivery time to happen in what is my afternoon/early evening.
The sign-up box for receiving posts by email is in the middle left column under the RSS feed button.