I've made wonderful progress on clearing out my scrap bins and have a special offer just for the first 10 blog readers who are interested. Sold Out. Thanks! Look for more scraps in 2012.
Here is what you get:
One 4 ounce bag of quilting cotton fabric scraps, one Sew n' Sharp needle sharpening pad, and five scrap fabric decorative magnets.
The scraps and magnets are grab bag style, so it will be a random assortment and not necessarily what is shown in the photo above. 4 ounces is about the equivalent of one yard of medium weight quilting cotton.
Here is how much is costs (shipping is included in these prices):
- US - $12.50
- Canada - $13.50
- Everywhere else - $16.00
Just to give you an idea of what you will save, these items would total about $20 + shipping if they were priced separately.
Interested? Be one of the first 10 people to email me letting me know you want the scraps and where you are located. It is important to tell me where you are located (country only is enough). If you don't tell me where you are, you might miss out. The first 10 people to ask will be invoiced through PayPal. Sold out.
My email is in the left column right above the "follow me on pinterest" button.