I'm dog sitting this tiny monster for six weeks. This isn't the first time she's been with us for an extended visit, and each time it takes a few days to get into a new routine.
Her name is Sadie and she is my mom's dog. She is very, very sweet, and a good dog in general. But the high pitched bark is something I have a hard time getting used to. Basically, she barks and I jump. Lila likes her well enough, which makes the transition to having two dogs a lot easier.
So I have been distracted and haven't been writing a whole lot, but have managed to get some sewing done. Here is a bag I made yesterday:
Sorry for the bad photo. This is tricky fabric to photograph and it is time to get a new camera. Mine is going to die any day now. Weird wavy lines are starting to scroll through the screen and sometimes it just shuts down.
The bag is the Belted Tote Bag with a square bow like this one, but doubled up. The fabric is grey pinstripe linen. Here is the lining fabric: