I have a major admin project to finish, and it feels pretty daunting. So I've been procrastinating by sewing.
Yesterday I made this zip top clutch. These contrast corners have been on my list of things to try for awhile now. They were not as simple as they might seem. Once the corner pieces were all sewn on I realized it would require some careful sewing to get them all lined up. But I took my sweet time and carefully trimmed and matched them up, and they came out PERFECT! Even the seams boxing the corners match up nicely.
The corners are not pieced to the body, but are extra fabric sewn on top. Since they are an extra layer of fabric, they add some structure to the corners.
Here is the inside:
The measurements are 10.5" wide at bottom x 6.25" high x 2" deep x 8.25" opening (27 x 16 x 5 x 21cm).
It is padded with a layer of cotton batting.
If you would like to throw your name in the hat to win this clutch, please do ONE of the things on the list below. Then return here and leave a comment letting me know what you did. Please, only one entry per person. I appreciate it if you do more than one thing from the list, but it won't count for multiple entries.
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The winners will be announced on Tuesday (8/23/11). Anyone worldwide can enter. Thanks and good luck!
P.S. We have a new sponsor who sells zippers! I've been really into zippers lately, so it is great to have a zipper store sponsor. Take a moment to see what Giuseppe has available at The Zipper Store.