Last week seemed pretty productive for me. Besides a couple pouches I've already shown, here are some other things I finished last week:
Tiny Clutch (Keychain Clutch)
I used this fabric from Lecien's Fabulous Blooming collection:
Then I made this fold-over clutch/big pouch using a print called Paris Apartment Le Chintz Moderne:
It is about 12" wide x 7" high (folded) x 4" deep (31cm x 18cm x 10cm). There is a patch pocket inside.
I also started another Quilt as You Go scrap quilt. This one I'm cutting free hand and will use the red centers and sashing to bring it all together into a semi-coherent scrappy mess. So far I've made two blocks, but have only quilted one. Here is the first finished block:
Here is a very small dumpling pouch:
It was fun to make and is so, so cute! But I need to work on my technique and pattern piece. The sides are slightly different sizes.
Here is the inside:
I also made two of these. One sold and is on the way to Japan.
What did you start/finish this week?