In the next few weeks I hope to start re-upholstering my small vintage tuxedo couch.
This has been on my project list for more than two years now. It is kind of a big project because it is a definite stretch for my sewing experience and it also requires a small investment in fabric. So it has been easy to put off project for either lack of time or money, and usually both. But I'm tired of looking at the couch and the grungy original fabric, so it is time to get on with it!
Step #1 was getting the staple remover tool and that is complete. Now it is time to find fabric. Tonight I came across this upholstery weight version of Alexander Henry's Canyon Flutter print. I would love to cover it in this fabric! It would be totally magical and a definite statement piece in this print. It is a small love seat sized couch and the simple lines would support a bold print.